Friday, May 30, 2008

Happy Birthday

Miss Kate turned 6 years old today and celebrated exactly how she wished - a day at the pool, followed by spaghetti and meatballs and ending with Carvel ice cream cake! It was super fun to hang out as a family and enjoy the time together.

As we reflected on the changes in the last year, we were profoundly grateful for how far Kate's come. Last year our heads were still spinning as we helplessly watched Kate endure the tortuous induction chemotherapy and steroid pulses. I can't seem to be able to describe the pain that our entire family experienced during that time.

This year we have a happy, energetic girl who is looking forward to swim team meets and playing with her friends. We were elated to celebrate another year of Kate's life and reflect on how truly blessed we are! WE LOVE YOU KATE!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Vincas for Kate

There really wasn't much competition for other plants when I considered what flowers would adorn our walkway. Vincas will forever hold a special place in our family's heart! So Kate, these Vincas are in honor of you. Our brave little fighter!

Friday, May 16, 2008

680 The Fan Telethon

Kate, Jackson and Ava have been on the radio all day! You can continue to hear them (online even if you are out of state) at Intermittenly, you'll hear me tell Kate's story, I heard Kate talk about her "Kisses for Kate" bracelets and what they mean, and Jackson/Ava have corner on the market for tag lines like - "Thanks for donating", "Don't change the station" and "We'll be right back!".