Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Yes it's true. We are back in the hospital. This time, Kate has a 104 temperature and a horrible wet cough. I was concerned that she had pneumonia but the chest x-ray looks clear. The blood cultures are cooking, a viral panel has been added (she actually did great with them squirting water up her nose and then sucking it out - much better than I would have done.) and we are waiting to see when they'll let us go home again.
We are hoping that it will be 2 days from now when the blood cultures come back negative. This is such a bummer for little Kate and she is taking it much harder this go around. She cried on the way to the hospital, "Mom, I just want to be at home". My eyes filled with tears as I felt her pain. She is resigned to our stay now and is better but will be most ready to leave whenever they give us the thumbs up.
At least we were able to enjoy 3 days of spring break together. That is my attempt at the glass is half full. I'll keep trying until I believe it...



UGH! Give me a shot in the backside anytime! Kate you're amazing. I wish I could be there with you, but Aunt Shauna will be! She's WAY more fun anyway!

Hang in there, Kate. (You, too, Mom and Dad!)

Kari said...

Here's to making it home in time to enjoy the last bit of spring break!! Sorry to hear you're back at the hospital ... will be praying for the entire Hansen crew!!

Kerri said...

Those stays are so frustrating. I have to admit I yelled at some people back in Oct/Nov when we did 2 stays basically back to back. And trying to not cry when your little girl is taking the brunt of it is impossible. Please feel our concern. Izzy and the Costleys

angela said...

love you. lots of prayers.

headis said...

Hope your day is as bright as a golden sunbeam!
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