Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Early Responder

This is going to be quite a bit more upbeat than the last blog! Kate's bone marrow aspiration came back today and it showed less than 5% cancer cells in the bone marrow. (Her first bone marrow showed greater than 85% to be cancer cells). In short, she is an early responder to the chemotherapy which carries a very good prognosis. This doesn't mean that her course of treatment is any shorter, it just means that in all likelyhood she will do very, very well! I am so happy that I just can't stop smiling and hugging all of my kids. Today Kate told me that she can tell that her blood is getting better. I can see the sparkle in her eyes and her cute little giggle helps me to see that she is in fact feeling much better. We are so blessed and know that all of your and our prayers are being answered!


angela said...


Kasey said...

That is such great news! :) Love,
