Highest counts ever! ANC of 3540. A few hiccups as of late are a rash and CONSTANT cold like symptoms. She has had a cough and runny nose for what seems like weeks but her lungs are clear and she is fever free with a great ANC so they aren't too worried. As far as the rash goes, Kate has developed a perioral rash which has worsened over the last 2 weeks. I learned today that it is pretty common with kids on treatment and they are treating it with a topical steroid and fungal cream.
Because Thanksgiving falls on our next clinic day, Dr. Keller will bring us back in 11 days for IV chemo and counts. We're cruising along until then.
PostNote -The rash improved after just a couple of days but keeps trying to flare back up. Since we can't continue steroids on the face for any extended period of time we are using Aquaphor which is magical!
Monday, November 19, 2007
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1 comment:
That is great news. For everyone who doesn't know anything (like me).... I googled perioral. Here you go: http://www.dermadoctor.com/pages/newsletter77.asp
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