Monday, November 19, 2007

Back to School - October 26th

Kate headed back to school today since her counts were in a good place. (I think we would have waited until Monday if it wasn't class picture day though). She was so happy to be back with all of her friends and they are as darling as they can be with her.

In lieu of having the kids dress up in Halloween costumes the children were given the option to dress up as a character from a book and participate in a "Character Parade". Kate wanted to be Lola - from Charlie and Lola - and she convinced Jackson to dress up as Charlie (which was fine with him since he doubled as Charlie from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory).
I think that Kate feels pretty happy to be back to her "normal" routine.

1 comment:

anne-ross said...

Glad Kate headed back to school -- I know how much she enjoys it! LOVE the Lola outfit =)